A gradual onset of shoulder pain is often caused by issues with the ‘rotator cuff’ tendons. Acute onset of shoulder pain generally results from trauma, which can range from reaching quickly to grab a falling object, to forceful dislocation from body contact. Shoulder pain can result from cartilage damage, or a rotator cuff tendon tear. A fall onto the shoulder can cause acromio-clavicular joint separation, or clavicle fracture.


A thorough assessment of your shoulder issue involves examining onset and timings of your pain, contributing factors, lifestyle considerations, previous investigations or treatments and more. We don’t stop assessing your back until we feel we have all of the information that we need to work out what is causing your pain.


Your physiotherapist will be able to tell you what structures are likely to be causing your shoulder issue, and will explain your injury in straightforward terms that you can easily understand. We won’t bamboozle you with jargon. You will be encouraged to ask as many questions as you want. We won’t stop until your questions do!


Your shoulder treatment will include the exercises you need to do, any modifications you may need to make to your work, lifestyle or fitness program, plus advice on aids or equipment that may help you to recover more quickly.